The Beginning
“Music is the universal language of mankind”
Welcome. The music industry is a crazy place. And luckily when I was getting started, there were some key figures that helped guide me along the way — including James Clear, Gary Vee, Bob Lefsetz & more. In these times of COVID-19 lockdowns, the world must feel like an even scarier place to someone trying to enter the music industry than when I was starting my company in Chicago in 2012. I don’t believe that there is only room for a few people to give insight to new trends, tools, systems and knowledge of today’s music business. So in that effort, this is my modest attempt to give back and hopefully share some valuable knowledge with my fellow music managers, label owners, recording artists, producers and music professionals. We are not enemies and a rising tide lifts all boats. Thank you for the early followers who are ready to embark on this journey with me.